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A Primal Lust A Fierce Love
A Primal Lust A Fierce Love Read online
A Primal Lust, A Fierce Love
Call of the Pride Series
By M.G. Morgan
Copyright 2012 M.G. Morgan
To learn more about this and upcoming titles by this author contact her on [email protected]
Smashwords Edition
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Chapter One
Jessica watched herself in the mirror. She would never be a true dancer but it was a fun hobby. She pirouetted once more and stumbled, her ankle twisting beneath her weight and sending her tumbling to the floor.
"Shit." She muttered to herself as she sat on the floor in the large mirror filled dance studio. Feeling her ankle she was relatively certain that she hadn't broken anything. She winced as her fingers touched on a particularly tender area. Staring at her reflection she let out a frustrated sigh. Grabbing the messy bun that her hair was gathered into on the top of her head she released her wild curly mane. Her flame coloured locks cascaded down around her shoulders and Jessica attempted to run her fingers through it. But her hair was far too tangled. It happened every time. The only way to tame it now was to wash it.
It wasn't fair. The only thing Jessica had ever wanted, was to be a professional dancer. However, her body had other ideas. No amount of dieting or training could shift her soft curves and voluptuous figure. It wasn't that she had lacked motivation or skill either. Jessica was extremely graceful and when she got a routine down she was magic. Everyone said it. But it was a terrible truth that no one wanted a curvy dancer. Or as Jessica liked to call it. Fat.
The door flapped open and Catarina poked her head into the studio. "You finished with the space yet? I need to lock up. I've got a date tonight."
Jessica, smiled back at her best friend. Catarina was the true star. She was slender and willowy. Her body the perfect combination of strength and grace when she was dancing. Try as she might Jessica couldn't help but feel a little pang of jealousy.
Catarina and Jessica had known each other from childhood. They had grown up in the same neighbourhood, attended the same schools and trained under the same dance instructor. But while Jessica was talented, Catarina had the body and the skill. Jessica didn't begrudge her best friend her success. She had just always wished that she could have shared in it with her.
"Jason?" Jessica asked as she stood and limped to the corner of the room. She gathered her bag and towel before once more standing unsteadily.
"Yeah, he's meant to be taking me to dinner, an apology dinner." Catarina grimaced as she leaned against the door. "I know you think I'm crazy to take him back..."
Jessica froze, her gaze suddenly pinned to the floor. It really was none of her business, but she couldn't help it. Catarina was more like a sister than a mere friend. She hated to see her get hurt and that seemed to be something Jason was very good at.
"What do you want me to say? I'm not your mother. It's not up to me what you do." Jessica finally lifted her gaze and met Catarina's defiant look head on.
"He loves me you know? He said it was just a one time mistake. It didn't mean anything. I wish you could just understand." With a sigh Catarina pushed herself away from the door and disappeared back into the hall.
Jessica stood and watched her friend disappear down the corridor as the door flopped shut. The hairs stood on the back of her neck and an odd sensation curled in her gut. It felt like fear but it had a slightly different flavour to it, if she could even call it a flavour. It danced across her tongue and left an acrid taste at the back of her mouth.
She turned slowly and scanned the windows that were set high in the studio wall. It was impossible for any human to get up there. Well impossible unless they had a harness and Jessica doubted anyone would have the patience for that just t spy into a dance studio. Shaking off the feeling she hobbled to the door and flicked off the lights.
The corridor beyond was empty, she couldn't hear any sounds of Catarina. It would be just like her to be petty and leave Jessica to lock up on her own. She made her way to the reception area. Her eyes fell on the note and the lock-up keys.
"You were taking too long. You know this date is important. Please lock up. Catarina."
With a frustrated sigh, Jessica crumpled the note up in her hand and grabbed the keys. Jessica didn't really mind locking up on her own. Sometimes it was nice to be in the studio when no one else was there. But not tonight. Tonight something had spooked. The feeling she had felt whilst alone in the studio hadn't left her. If anything it had gotten stronger and Jessica now had an overwhelming urge to call Catarina back.
Squaring her shoulders, Jessica pulled her jacket on over her dance clothes. She wouldn't call her back. It would be far too humiliating and Catarina would think it was Jessica trying to sabotage her big reunion with Jason. She opened the large glass doors and stepped out onto the pavement. Dropping her bag she proceeded to lock the doors.
The feeling of being watched had subsided a little when she first stepped outside. But as soon as the key clicked home in the lock and the doors were secure it returned. Jessica fumbled with her bag. Something inside her told her to run, that whatever was out there watching her was far bigger and a hell of a lot badder than she ever could be.
Jessica followed her instincts. Her ankle ached each time she attempted to put weight on it making her run more of a fast hobble. The street appeared to be empty but the sound of something behind her assured her that she was not alone.
The noise had begun as footsteps hurrying after her but it had quickly changed. And now the only sound that filled Jessica head was the tick tacking of something heavy on the path behind her. She didn't turn around. Watching horror movies had taught her that when you turned around you lost ground. And with her injury the last thing she needed to do was lose ground.
A low growl filled Jessica's ears. It vibrated up through her spine and curled around the pit of her stomach. Simultaneously it filled her with dread and lust. Realisation of her odd feelings almost caused Jessica to fall. She kept on, half running half hobbling but the growling drew ever closer to her. With one last frantic push Jessica tried to outrun what was following her but it was too close.
She could feel its hot breath on her neck. A second later strong arms shoved her to the ground and Jessica prepared to fight blows that never came. A second blur dived over the top of her. Her eyes were too slow to follow the rapid movement of the two, whatever they were. She wanted to call whatever it was a creature but her logical mind wouldn't allow her. The golden blurs tangled on the ground. The sound of growling and the almost human cries of pain met her ears. The blurs disappeared into the shadows. But the sound still tore at the night air.
Jessica dragged herself to her feet and attempted to hobble on. But whatever had pushed her had caused her injured ankle to worsen. She cried out, a half strangled cry of pain as she collapsed back to her knees and started to crawl. It was then she noticed the silence. There was no more growling. The half human cries of pain had ceased and she could no longer hear a tussle in the darkness of the alley. Whatever had happened was clearly over.
With a sigh of relief Jessica fumbled in her bag for her phone. There was no hope of her walking home now and a bus seemed like it would be more hassle then it was worth. She pulled the phone free of the clutter and groaned. The screen was
dark and each time she tried to press on the power button the cell phone made a half strangled beep before dying.
Typical. Jessica thought as she crawled to the wall and attempted to drag herself to her feet. The sound of footsteps behind her caused her heart rate to jump. Surely whatever had attacked her before hadn't come back for more?
"Miss, are you alright?" The sound of a man's voice floated to her through the half lit street. She turned just in time to see a tall dark shape loom over her. When he crouched down by her side, Jessica's heart stalled. He was perfect.
Jessica had never before set eyes on a man like him. Everything about him screamed alpha male. From the broad set of his shoulders down to the large hands that he reached out to Jessica with. His hand dwarfed Jessica's when he took hers. She stared down at it, almost as though she was stuck in some sort trance.
A few moments passed before Jessica realised he was still talking to her and trying to get her attention.
"Are you alright? Did you hit your head? Who did this?" The mere timbre of his voice tightened things low in Jessica's body. She wanted him. The thought startled her. She must have hit her head she mused because this reaction to this man was entirely out of character.
"I'm... I'm fine." She lied, wincing as she tried to stand and then failed.
"You're clearly not fine. You've been spacing out on me this entire time and obviously you've injured your ankle." He pointed to her twisted ankle as his stern voice reprimanded Jessica. She wasn't used to being told off. Normally she was the one doing the chastising. If it had been any other man Jessica's ire would have immediately silenced his tirade. But tonight for some reason with this man it was different.
"Look I injured myself whilst dancing. Then when I came out here there was someone else. They followed me and knocked me to the ground but then something happened..."
The young man leaned in closer to Jessica. "Did you see what it was?"
She shook her head. She wasn't sure of what she had saw. Some crazy voice in the back of her mind wanted to believe it was a large cat of some sort. Almost like a lion. But that wasn't possible. Lions didn't roam the streets and she hadn't heard anything on the radio about one escaping from the zoo.
"I thought it might have been..." Jessica shook her head again as though to shake the crazy thoughts from her mind. "No it's impossible... I don't know what it was..."
The young man smiled at Jessica and her heart soared. She didn't remember bumping her head but judging by her reactions she decided that she must have.
"I should take you to the hospital or something."
Jessica sighed and shook her head. The last place she wanted to spend the rest of her evening was in the emergency room. "No. I just need to get home and rest. I'll be fine if I do."
"Look you're behaving like someone who hit their head. I really think you need to have that checked out." He was insistent and part of Jessica liked that. But it still didn't mean that she was willing to go to the hospital.
"If I can borrow your phone. I'll call a cab." She held up her own phone, showing him the dead black screen. "My phone died on me. It must be the battery."
He nodded before reaching down and sliding his hands under her legs. His other arm was wrapped securely around Jessica's back leaving her no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck as he scooped her up into his powerful arms. She could feel his muscles as they moved beneath his skin. Each one shifting and bunching as he held her tightly.
"Put me down. What are you doing? I'm too heavy!" Her voice had gone all high as he held her high above the ground. He was much taller than Jessica had first thought and she was much further from the ground than she could have imagined. If he dropped her, it was a long way down.
"Heavy?" He started to laugh as he held her. The sound reverberated up through his chest until it spilled from his lips. It coated Jessica in its warm rich sound almost like honey and she felt herself relaxing slowly. "I lift weights heavier than you. You weigh nothing."
His words stunned Jessica. She was under no illusions about herself. She knew what she weighed and she knew that she was heavy. Most normal men would have struggled to hold her suspended above the ground. In fact most normal men would have struggled to even pick her up. But here he was, a perfect stranger holding her as though she weighed nothing at all.
He began to walk in the direction Jessica had been going in. "Anytime you want to chip in and tell me where you live?" His warm rich voice dragged Jessica out of her thoughts once more and she blushed. There was something mesmerising about this man. She was constantly finding herself getting lost in her thoughts about him.
"I'm sorry. I'm living at Ashlands, you know the large multi-storey apartment complex?" Jessica fought to keep control of her voice. But being this close to this man seemed to be having a terrible effect not just on her mind but on her voice and her body too.
"Yeah I know it." He continued to walk and Jessica wondered when his legs would simply give out. It struck her then. Where had he come out of? And had he seen the commotion that had occurred mere seconds before he had come to her rescue.
"Did you see what happened?" She asked, her voice quivered with anticipation.
"Did you see or hear anything. There was a big commotion just seconds before you came to help me. I was just wondering did you hear anything... or see anything?" The image of the two blurs fighting bugged her. Although she had dismissed it as crazy part of her brain was still convinced that what she had seen was two lions.
"No sorry. I must have missed all the fun. I didn't see anything." He stopped beside a parked car and slowly lowered Jessica to her feet. The moment her injured foot touched the ground she stifled a cry of pain and almost fell.
"Careful." He gripped her tightly. His fingers digging into her upper arms as he held her. She looked up into his eyes and noticed the amber colouring. He had the most beautiful coloured eyes that Jessica had ever seen. Completely unusual and entirely unique. The amber seemed to melt and shift and once again Jessica was reminded of melting honey. They were eyes that she could quite happily drown in.
"What's your name?" She asked. Her voice sounded very far away. But she was all too aware of how close she was to this man. The smell of his masculinity invaded her head. It conjured up images of the tall grass and hot air rippling across her skin. Of a time when life was simple. It had consisted of nothing more than hunting and finding a mate. That one true other half who complimented you. Protected you when you needed it, shared your bed and worshiped your body. A time of base animal instinct and nothing else.
"Nicholas. But my friends call me Nick." His voice came out as little more than a growl. It raised the hairs on Jessica's arms to hear it. Her body instantly responded to the animal side of him. Her breasts ached and her things low in her body had tightened and ached to be filled.
"I... I..."
"I know, Jessica." He dipped his head towards hers. His whole upper body folding down to wrap around her much smaller frame. One strong hand tipped Jessica's head back. Thumb and forefinger holding her chin in place as his lips sought to cover hers.
Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck. Automatically moulding her body to his. They fit together perfectly. Jessica sighed contentedly as his lips touched hers, gently at first. A mere caress. Jessica moaned and that was it. He fell upon her mouth. His teeth nibbling at her lips as his tongue sought entry to her warm hot mouth. She opened up to him. Her body growing warm as energy flowed through her and into him. It was a perfect loop.
His tongue danced with hers, his large hand cupping the side of her face as his other one wrapped tightly around her waist and lifted her from the ground. She let him her body responding to his every move. She bit his lip softly which elicited a deep growl from deep within his body. It vibrated down through her mouth and curled into her belly.
He broke free of the kiss first. His breathing hard as though he had just run a marathon. He held her tightly in his arms still but now h
e fought to put some distance between them.
"It's not possible. How can it be?" He stared down into her eyes. His amber ones filled with unanswered questions and something else. Something that Jessica couldn't quite put her finger on. But if she was to go with her gut instinct she'd have said that in that moment of staring into his eyes an animal stared back at her. But it was gone before she could even decide if that was what she had truly seen.
The sound of a bin falling over somewhere further down the street had both Jessica and Nicholas searching the area. Something moved in the distance, it looked human but the way it moved suggested otherwise.
Nicholas pulled a set of keys from his pocket and flicked the car door open. He turned back to Jessica and she could see concern etched into his features. "Get into the car and whatever you do, no matter what happens don't get out. Alright?"
Jessica nodded and slid into the leather passenger seat. "What is that?" She asked as the man creature drew ever closer. Its pace increasing once it had them in its sights.
"It's the thing that attacked you earlier. If I don't finish this right now. It will only follow you home and I can't let that happen. I have to protect you." He closed the door and turned and ran into the street. He stood there, his body completely still. Jessica wasn't sure if he was even breathing anymore.
As the other man drew close, Nick flexed his hands and launched his body into the air. Jessica sat as close to the windscreen as was physically possible. Nick barrelled into the other man sending them both skidding backwards across the tarmac. The sound of growling was quickly swallowed up in the sound of a lions rumbling roar.
Jessica drew away from the window in shock as she caught sight of the man that Nick was fighting with. He was much hairier that any normal was. A long shaggy mane of golden hair hung down his back and covered part of the lower half of his face. That was if Jessica could even call it a human face anymore. His jaw had extended and where his nose should have been was now a lions mouth and nose.